Our Commitment To Safeguarding
Hornbill School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy which can be viewed in the Policies section of our website.
Designated Safeguarding Leads
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mr M Walters.
Our Deputy DSL is Mrs L Brown.
Our SGC member with a safeguarding responsibility is Mrs J Morford.
All members of the safeguarding team can be contacted via the school office.
Safeguarding in practice
We actively undertake our safeguarding commitment in a number of practical ways – these include:
Our staff
- are DBS checked as part of the recruitment procedures in place
- are made aware of our safeguarding policies & procedures during their induction
- attend annual safeguarding update training
- have photographic ID
Our children
- actively engage with a PSHE curriculum that teaches them how to look after themselves and to keep safe and identifies safe adults, beyond the family, to confide in at times of distress or danger
- are taught on-line safety as part of the computing curriculum and this is continually referred back to in the teaching of computing lessons
Site safety
- During the day we have a single entry-point into school, via the main entrance
- All external gates remain closed, and secured, during the school day
- Please inform us if a child is absent from school. We will phone home, on the first day, if we have an unexplained absence
- We ask all visitors to sign in and be accompanied by a member of staff whilst in school
- Some visiting professionals do not always need to be accompanied by staff, if we have confirmed with their employer that they are DBS checked
- Accidents in school are reported to parents and the Headteacher via our accident form
- Many staff hold a Paediatric First Aid Certificate and provide first aid support in school
Resources for parents and children